Angular 2 / TypeScript / Visual Studio Code – Tutorial

  Angular, TypeScript, Visual Studio Code


The goal of this walkthrough guide is to teach you a simple workflow which you can apply to your daily work when you start developing Angular 2 apps. In the first chapter we will setup the development environment using Visual Studio Code. The second chapter will demonstrate how to create a basic structure to your project by using a boilerplate code generator. The following chapter will refine the development environment with some convenient build tools, before the final chapter will complete the Angular 2 app by leveraging the master / detail development pattern with an external data source.


A basic understanding of  npm (installed with NodeJs) would help but is not mandatory.

Download and install nodejs :

Download and install Visual Studio Code:

How to setup VSCode, Node.js and Npm behind a corporate web proxy

npm config set proxy
npm config set https-proxy

If you need to find out what the proxy address of your company is, follow this procedure (stolen with pride from

The auto proxy detection system works by downloading a file called wpad.dat from the host wpad. First confirm this host exists from a command prompt:

ping wpad

If it doesn’t exist, you may have to put the correct DNS suffix. In the same command prompt, type

ipconfig /all

You should see a Primary DNS Suffix and a DNS Suffix Search List

Try appending each of these with a . to wpad:

ping wpad.<primary dns suffix>

If any of these work, then in your browser enter http://wpad.<suffix>/wpad.dat. This will download the proxy auto configuration file you can open in notepad.exe

Toward the bottom of this file, you should see a line saying

PROXY <host:port>;

It might be repeated if you have multiple proxies available. The host and port are what you need.